Friday, November 23, 2012

When one talks about Thai cuisine in Johor Bahru, there's only a few which surfaces in the head that will stir up my interest (and appetite). I had first hand experiences at restaurants in Taman Molek, Taman Gaya & JB city (*drums roll* yes, it's Carabao) and mind you, they aren't cheap. Affordability is a word one don't come across easily these days, especially in Johor Bahru. Sighh ...

I chanced upon the place couple months back, but am skeptical so it never brought about any second thoughts in me to pay a visit. As things would have it, stingy me spotted Groupon offering a deal at only RM25 for a fine Thai dining experience at Tera Thai. I jumped at the opportunity for a go at it, wonder how it will be ?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rooted just besides Aeon Tebrau City, the shophouses are gradually blooming with a selections of Japanese restaurants and cafes. Truth be told, it still pales in comparison to varieties and numbers from those around Aeon Bukit Indah vicinity. Nonetheless, JB Foodie still managed to unearth one gem from the basket - Cestino Bakery & Bistro. Decorations are simplistic, no fuss and dominated with an imposing portrait sketch of Marilyn Monroe. For me, the place works out to be a good place for some rejuvenating personal time, sipping on a cuppa with a book in hand idling the time away. Joints like these usually serve good coffee, tasty pastries and cakes but crappy food ... barring all my biased, negative thoughts, I hope I'm not right on the spot again.

Monday, November 5, 2012

其实我已经无数次介绍过亿家海鲜,只不过每次照片出来的效果都令我大失所望,坐在露天的位子,灯光效应也减弱了。幸好今天下着绵绵细雨,就改换坐店里。如果大家还是对我以往的介绍感兴趣,可以点击到这里这里。要是你对那些烂到惨不忍睹的照片敏感,还是别看好了,这一批新的会稍微好一点,将就点吧 ^_^


Saturday, November 3, 2012

今天要介绍给大家的是 JB Foodie 我的最爱 - 益和云吞面。说到他们,我就要回到过去,从很久很久以前开始。那时候 JB Foodie 我都还没出现在这世界,妈妈就怀着我常常关顾益和,就连住院待产(以前益和对面就有一间著名的妇产科)都是爸爸打包给她的。不知道是不是在妈妈肚里吃多了,注入潜意识,到今天我还是觉得益和是云吞面之最,无人能敌。不过啦,我带过几位朋友来吃过,他们也同声赞好!