When one talks about Thai cuisine in Johor Bahru, there's only a few which surfaces in the head that will stir up my interest (and appetite). I had first hand experiences at restaurants in Taman Molek, Taman Gaya & JB city (*drums roll* yes, it's Carabao) and mind you, they aren't cheap. Affordability is a word one don't come across easily these days, especially in Johor Bahru. Sighh ...
I chanced upon the place couple months back, but am skeptical so it never brought about any second thoughts in me to pay a visit. As things would have it, stingy me spotted Groupon offering a deal at only RM25 for a fine Thai dining experience at Tera Thai. I jumped at the opportunity for a go at it, wonder how it will be ?
I chanced upon the place couple months back, but am skeptical so it never brought about any second thoughts in me to pay a visit. As things would have it, stingy me spotted Groupon offering a deal at only RM25 for a fine Thai dining experience at Tera Thai. I jumped at the opportunity for a go at it, wonder how it will be ?