(最新版本) 新加坡公共假期和學校假期:2019 下半年還有4个长周末 趕快安排今年的度假計劃咯!
發佈: 2019年5月20日
新加坡公共假期和學校假期 2019 下半年還有4个长周末!
匆匆忙忙就這樣 過了2019上半年
今年還沒安排到假期和家人一起出去玩嗎? 趕快計劃計劃吧!時間不留人哦~
新加坡2019下半年 還有5個假期!
6月5日 星期三 开斋节
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
8:41 AM by JBFoodie8 comments
I chanced upon the place couple months back, but am skeptical so it never brought about any second thoughts in me to pay a visit. As things would have it, stingy me spotted Groupon offering a deal at only RM25 for a fine Thai dining experience at Tera Thai. I jumped at the opportunity for a go at it, wonder how it will be ?
Thursday, November 15, 2012
4:28 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Monday, November 5, 2012
8:13 AM by JBFoodieNo comments
Saturday, November 3, 2012
5:04 PM by JBFoodie2 comments
今天要介绍给大家的是 JB Foodie 我的最爱 - 益和云吞面。说到他们,我就要回到过去,从很久很久以前开始。那时候 JB Foodie 我都还没出现在这世界,妈妈就怀着我常常关顾益和,就连住院待产(以前益和对面就有一间著名的妇产科)都是爸爸打包给她的。不知道是不是在妈妈肚里吃多了,注入潜意识,到今天我还是觉得益和是云吞面之最,无人能敌。不过啦,我带过几位朋友来吃过,他们也同声赞好!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
11:24 AM by JBFoodieNo comments
我先是驶过门庭若市的潮翡翠园海鲜,外面停满了脚车,电单车,汽车,只差没有三轮车而已。。哈哈。 讨厌等待的我,就决定去隔壁的佑记海鲜园,看起来不错,虽然少了它们邻居的喧哗热闹,但是我偏爱清静,不需要人挤人,你争我夺的场面。阿弥驼佛。
Sunday, October 28, 2012
3:27 PM by JBFoodie4 comments
任何一位道地新山人都应该知道Skudai驰名的卤鸭肉吧? 这里有三间不同的店,都打着卤鸭肉的招牌。其中一间叫为有名,很多电视节目都介绍过,可是我一时忘了他们店的名字,如果没记错店名是士古来鸭肉。那间是在角头的 (有两间,千万别选错了- 这家是在我今天要介绍的新海珍对面而不是隔壁)。我以往都是光顾这家的,只是那天看见新海珍的生意比它好,人又多,就决定破例一试。
Thursday, October 18, 2012
9:53 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Monday, September 24, 2012
3:32 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
筹备以久的这个网页,终于可以隆重登场了!欢迎参观我 JB Foodie 的姐妹网 - OKGo Johor Bahru 新山行。这项计划从策划到后期筹备都不简单-尤其是在构思概念的时候。有什么是可以推陈出新,介绍新山好吃好玩的好方法,,又可以让游客参与其中呢?结果 OKGo Johor Bahru 新山行 就诞生了!
我们提供个性化的一日行配套-让你们享受独一无二的"新"(山)体验 ,不管是吃的,喝的,玩的,买的,一切都能在你们的掌控之内。依个人的喜好,先选择我们精心安排好的配套构架,然后再自行从OKGo的选项中挑选。我们主打的是精品团-为了可以更贴心照顾到每位客人的需求,我们每次的乘客数量仅限最多四位成人。
欢迎你们致电/whatsapp (+6597692591) 或电邮 (myjbtour@gmail.com) 与我们查询。
我们提供个性化的一日行配套-让你们享受独一无二的"新"(山)体验 ,不管是吃的,喝的,玩的,买的,一切都能在你们的掌控之内。依个人的喜好,先选择我们精心安排好的配套构架,然后再自行从OKGo的选项中挑选。我们主打的是精品团-为了可以更贴心照顾到每位客人的需求,我们每次的乘客数量仅限最多四位成人。
欢迎你们致电/whatsapp (+6597692591) 或电邮 (myjbtour@gmail.com) 与我们查询。
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让我们带你体验不一样的 新山行 |
Saturday, September 15, 2012
11:46 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
In life, there are stages, and so does a blog. Today, I have embarked on a new chapter of my blogging passage, albeit still in its infancy stage. I remembered starting out a year ago, in a moment of passion, with no prior writing experience, trespassing into unchartered territory attempting to see what I can achieve. Up to this very minute, I am still learning through failure & continuously improving till I managed a significant footprint in cyberspace - just like how we all begin as an infant.
After much deliberation, I have adopted a new feature, in reality one of the most well-known icon around the world - Facebook "Like" button, to better place Johor Bahru on a foodie's trail over the Internet. Daunting task it may be, but I will slog on with perseverance, gather up a compilation to prep the anticipated millions of visitors. With the official opening of LEGOLAND, and impending launch of Hello Kitty & Family Indoor Theme Park in sight, I feel there is much to offer from me, as an individual and a Johorean.
After much deliberation, I have adopted a new feature, in reality one of the most well-known icon around the world - Facebook "Like" button, to better place Johor Bahru on a foodie's trail over the Internet. Daunting task it may be, but I will slog on with perseverance, gather up a compilation to prep the anticipated millions of visitors. With the official opening of LEGOLAND, and impending launch of Hello Kitty & Family Indoor Theme Park in sight, I feel there is much to offer from me, as an individual and a Johorean.
There are a million ways to impress and leave a deep impression, but none stood out as bright as the multicultural richness we have come to enjoy as a community, something not everybody can experience across the globe. Food can be the most outright and direct channel to bring this experience to people, afterall who doesn't need to eat on this planet ?
Coming up, there will be further initiatives to promote Johor Bahru as a whole. Please stay tuned for updates soon & in the meantime would appreciate if you can show your support by depressing on the "Like" button.
Thank you
We can make it all happen.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
9:21 PM by JBFoodie2 comments
JB Foodie 我今天误打误撞在 Bukit Indah 的一个角落踢到宝了!原本还以为对这排,稍远离中心点的店抱着不怎样的期待,毕竟驾车绕了一圈也没发现什么富有特色的餐馆。决大部分都是一些美食中心或人烟稀少的茶室,拐了最后一个弯就打算离开这里,另找他处落脚。好料垫底,都留到最后,发现了这家港式茶餐厅,看起来不错但是一向来都对他们不是很有信心的我,三心两意,要试看吗?还是继续驾走?折腾了一会儿,决定停了车,息了引擎,下去看个究竟。
Thursday, September 6, 2012
9:49 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Sunday, July 29, 2012
10:00 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
9:01 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
2:37 AM by JBFoodieNo comments
I've been to Moonlight Cake House on numerous occasions before, either for lunch, tea-break, dinner or just simply getting a birthday cake. On top of the numerous cakes stacked on display which one can buy off the shelf, they do take orders for customised cake as well. However, the cake is not the main story today, but more of their food. This is their latest outlet at Taman Austin which I went to today for dinner.
1:46 AM by JBFoodieNo comments
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
10:13 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Friday, June 8, 2012
3:19 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Saturday, May 26, 2012
11:30 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Where can you head to when you start to have craving for decent food in the old city centre of Johor Bahru. Located in the midst of old shophouses along Jalan Dhoby, you can find a little cafe boasting it serves "The Best Chicken Chop in Johor Bahru". Although I do not second that tagline wholeheartedly, but they definitely rank as one of the top in my list. If you still have some time to spare after the meal, you could head opposite where you can find a little Indian bakery, old school stuffs ! According to my Dad (he used to live nearby in the mid 1900s), the little bakery has been around for a long time, ever since he was a teenager.
3:41 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Sunday, May 13, 2012
6:33 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Monday, May 7, 2012
10:00 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Now, there's this new outlet lying diagonally across the entrance of Giant hypermart, it caught my attention and I had been wanting to give it a try since I last saw it. Seems to me as a fusion between Italian and Japanese cuisine, might not be as much as a cultural shock compared to a decade back but still, it kept my interest going. So today, I finally had the opportunity to give it a try.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
5:17 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Thursday, April 19, 2012
12:55 PM by JBFoodie1 comment
10:00 AM by JBFoodieNo comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
11:06 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Saturday, March 3, 2012
10:16 PM by JBFoodie5 comments
"You went Deep Water for your birthday celebration just now ?" That got me pondering for a moment, "Where exactly is this new joint in Johor Bahru ?". The answer I've gotten was "Jalan Serempang, along the same row of shophouses as Gianni's". Ohhhhh ... and I was told they share the same boss. Interesting and that really got me excited, can it mean they are serving something with mediterranean flavours, that's the 1st idea that came to my mind when I heard of the word "Deep Water". Afterall, I've never had a chance to try but lust at some of those mediterranean cuisines I've grown accustomed to watching on Food Channel. Then came the knock from my friend ... "Hello, it's Sweet Water, not Deep Water".
Sunday, February 26, 2012
4:56 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
3:27 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
11:03 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Sunday, January 29, 2012
3:47 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Sunday, January 15, 2012
12:14 AM by JBFoodieNo comments
Saturday, January 14, 2012
11:07 PM by JBFoodie2 comments
麻坡真是一个古色古香的好去处,其实去马六甲那么远,倒不如来麻坡走一趟。这里少了些许的“莫登”气息,少了那铜臭味十足的商业动机,到了麻坡就犹如松了一口气,暂时摆脱了城市的束缚,为自己充电,好让自己回到城市里再努力往前迈进 。
炒菜头粿 。。。 黑的 (添加了黑酱油),白的,到底哪个比较好吃呢?哪个比较受欢迎呢?相信每个版本都会有它的拥护者啦 。。。 看各人喜好。我倒蛮喜欢白的,菜头粿外包着一层煎到香脆可口的蛋汁和那微微的锅气, 再加点辣椒,那就完美了。
站在 Jalan Yahya 的一段,直视下去,仿佛透视着一道时空隧道,回到了我爸妈的年代。街道的两旁都摆有档口,虽说没一般 pasar pagi 来的长,但是也能够让我边走边吃个够, 满足一下下我那口福之欲。这一档老板炒的就很合我胃口,该香的香,该脆的脆,也不会太油腻,一切都拿捏的刚刚好。可以选择叫了,送去离档口不到30步的华南茶室,搭配着一杯传统香浓的咖啡。这样的早餐说不上是什么好料,但却满足了我的味蕾与食欲,对我而言,那就够了。
Rating: 7.0/10 Thursday, January 12, 2012
9:48 AM by JBFoodieNo comments
Driving along Jalan Ali or 四马路 as locals called it, the countless people crowding around a stall, waiting for their takeaway orders betrays its otherwise insiginificant presence along the bustling street.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
9:45 PM by JBFoodie3 comments
Sunday, January 8, 2012
1:58 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
Jalan Sisi for supper and Jalan Yahya for breakfast. Running in parallel and separated by a few streets between them, one can really spend a day in Muar without fear of getting hungry. Lunch is no big deal as well, the infamous 贪吃街 is just sandwiched between them, 真的是从头吃到尾.
The 面煎粿 I had today is somewhat similar to what is sold in Singapore, filled with grounded peanuts and sugar as its core, sandwiched with a thick & fluffy pancake. No red bean paste, no coconut shreds, just plain old traditional peanuts and sugar.
传统古早味面煎粿的制作过程,依然被这富有浓浓乡情味的城镇保留着, 并没有被时间的流失而逐渐的迷失了方向.
12:43 PM by JBFoodie2 comments
Saturday, January 7, 2012
5:03 PM by JBFoodie2 comments
Friday, January 6, 2012
9:00 PM by JBFoodieNo comments
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