Wednesday, December 28, 2011

These days, a trip up to Kluang is never complete without a visit to Cincin, be it for lunch or dinner (refer to my previous post). The restaurant has naturally turn out to be one of the must-visit places for my family trip, besides paying pilgrimage to the infamous Kluang Lim coffee shop and yong tau foo (yet...
This place needs no further introduction, as I've done so in my previous post. It's one of my parents' favorite place for a luncheon, 忙里偷闲, shying away from the hot tropical sun. In recent times, that biased perception in me, of the Hong Kong cafes out there serving crappy food has also started receding with...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

(Please visit here for the latest article) Was dropping by to KSL City shopping mall on a weekday, after work to get my new wireless modem after my D-Link got busted by Zeus (The almighty King of God living on Mount Olympus in Greek mythodology, ring a bell ?) . The strike was so incredible that it had my telephone...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's a weekend yet again, and that means dining out for us today. Nobody's cooking, everybody needs a break and that means eating out, and it ultimately means adding the count of reviews to my blog. Today, we decide to try something new, some Chinese restaurant that's just recently opened for business near where...

Friday, December 2, 2011

What's best on a cold, rainy weekend ? Steamboat !!! Nothing beats having a boiling pot of soup at the center of the dining table. The most widely available soup bases we've known are chicken broth, tom yam or even with porridge (which reminds me of 田园火锅...