Friday, June 14, 2013

听说这家海鲜餐馆-金城小厨的菜色不错,是我爸爸朋友强烈推荐的。如果是Desa Tebrau的居民应该不会对他很陌生吧。 星期天,我们一家大小决定出外用餐,妈妈也懒惰煮饭所以就去那儿一探究竟。餐馆外观很不起眼,和许许多多的店面并列一排,没仔细留意还会错过了呢...

Friday, June 7, 2013

Over the past weekend, I am fortunate to have my family with me on this exploration trip to MAIO, a well hidden gem tucked into the back seat of M Suites Hotel. I'm pretty confident not much Johoreans are aware of its existence, and hopefully not for long as it would truly be a waste for it to vanish from the...