Sunday, July 29, 2012

Amber@West Restaurant is equipped with a state-of-the-art open kitchen where guests can watch their dishes being prepared live, by students from the School of Hospitality. Regardless of the students' relative inexperience, they manage to conjour up a magnificent attitude by putting on their very best to accede...
这是有記燒臘的第二间分行,总店是在王后花园 (Tun Aminah)而另外一间则是在柔佛再也 (Taman Johor Jaya)。其实我从来都没尝试过他们的食物,这也是我的第一次啊。未光顾前,其实也不知道他的名气那么响当当,有了那么多分行。原只是看见他们的装修摆设都不错,而且人潮也蛮多的,就想来尝尝...

Monday, July 16, 2012

食立坊,这名字在新山从未曾听过,但是一听就知道是卖吃的。有何来头呢?可以确定的是他肯定非泛泛之辈,自己在柔佛新山最旺的一区,Bukit Indah盖一栋属于自己独一无二的建筑。原来他在Nilai是享有名气的,不只这样,更引以为傲的是他们承办过第二届全球福建恳亲大会的全场宴席,坐上嘉宾还包括当时的马国首相,Dr Mahathir. 这次北京楼,新湖宾等餐馆酒楼,可说的上遇上劲敌...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I've been to Moonlight Cake House on numerous occasions before, either for lunch, tea-break, dinner or just simply getting a birthday cake. On top of the numerous cakes stacked on display which one can buy off the shelf, they do take orders for customised cake as well. However, the cake is not the main story today, but more of their food. This is their latest outlet at Taman Austin which I went to...
今天心血来潮就决定吃点比较好的午餐,不然每个周末上午时间都不懂要去哪里吃,吃来吃去就是那几间regular的。闷啊!驾远点,到二重丸吃吧!反正也有段时间没观顾了。而且说不定还有物超所值的set lunch。希望有啦,毕竟每次来都是晚餐时...