Sunday, May 3, 2015

希望找个安静,高雅又有情调的地方庆生,情侣约会,周年纪念日或是纯粹和家人朋友聚一聚 那么就请查阅JB Foodie为你精心挑选出新山最高档,最优质的餐厅。 除了需要满足味蕾外,环境,服务素质和价格都是我的考量因素。如果读者发现还有哪些值得推荐的餐厅,请麻烦留言告知。 谢谢你哦! ...

Saturday, May 2, 2015

早餐 Restaurant Kin Hua 锦华茶...

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Last update: 12/04/2015 Peperoni Pizzeria is one of the three pizzerias owned by the Les Amis Group. They recently opened their 2nd Peperoni branch at Binjai Park Singapore, with a bar that lines the exterior and a much roomier interior compared to the main outlet at Greenwood Avenue. It's my first time here...

Friday, April 3, 2015

JB Foodie is grateful for receiving an invitation from the Management @ Vino Vino & Mr Wisley, to check out their outlet in Taman Molek. For starter, Vino is Italian for wine & boldly underlines the ambition and direction Vino Vino is heading for. They feature an extensive selections of wine, sake and...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Driving around Impian Emas looking for dinner, can sometimes be quite a frustrating experience. As dusk sets in, the choices drop dramatically with only a handful of restaurants to check out. Luckily, there is a new section of shop lots opening for business, which makes the entire area looks so much more livelier. However,...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

佳佳乐苦瓜汤在新山已经拥有二十年历史了,是许多人都喜欢光顾的新山老字号。分行遍布新山各各角落,包括一些著名的市区如柔佛再也,皇后,五福城,百万镇,等等。。 从1989年开业以来,他们都是以菜汤和炸肉為主,直到1996年才开始增加新菜式 今日的明星-苦瓜汤!在短短一年里得到各界好评,从此就凭苦瓜湯攻下新山的东西南北。 百闻不如一见,就先来一睹这鼎鼎大名的苦瓜汤吧! 汤里都是满满的苦瓜片。 汤里有着猪肉片及猪杂,但不爱吃猪杂的朋友也可以告诉店家放猪肉片。我啊,就是其中一位不爱吃猪杂的人。。。呵呵! 他们的三岜炒番薯叶也是一道我必点的菜,覆盖着飘香的猪油味。 三岜炒空心菜。 来到这里就一定要点他们的客家炸肉,包你吃了赞不绝口。怕吃到满嘴肥肉的食客们,也可以叮咛厨房给瘦肉。 这就是今天我为您介绍的几道佳佳乐苦瓜汤招牌小菜。 最后值得一提的是他们自制的罗汉果饮料,很特别里头还加了凉粉。 Price:...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Kirishima Shuzou is a place I have visited for less than 5 times my entire life, putting it in line with some of the franchised Japanese sushi outlets. Not that it is faring badly in any manner, as a matter of fact it is as good as I would have expected. It's just that well, Kirishima just doesn't come naturally...