Sunday, March 25, 2012

相信各位新马的食客们都不会对面粉粿陌生吧,它有干的,汤的,方的,圆的,长的 (板面), 软的,Q的还有最重要,好吃和不好吃的!Pheww, 一口气绕了这么长的一段句子。确实,面粉粿的种类就是那么多变化。本少爷就爱好吃和干的而已,其他的不重要,随便啦 !哈...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

这间店如果我没错的话,以前是开在大丰,ShowHouse对面的角头间店屋。不知道那里现在是否还有吗,还是搬到这新地点了。太久没在新山市混了,都整天待在Mount Austin一带。可能下次可以去大丰那里兜一圈看它是否依然存...
I kid you not, recently dessert shops have been sprouting out around Mount Austin area. Drive along the main road heading towards Setia Indah from Sultanah Aminah Hospital (besides Jusco Tebrau City) and a tally easily brings the count to at least 5. I reckon the students at Sunway College contributes a part...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

"You went Deep Water for your birthday celebration just now ?" That got me pondering for a moment, "Where exactly is this new joint in Johor Bahru ?". The answer I've gotten was "Jalan Serempang, along the same row of shophouses as Gianni's". Ohhhhh ... and I was told they share the same boss. Interesting and...