Stop procrastinating. Start doing what I have decided to do, and that's to create a food blog, introducing the food in and around Johor Bahru :D
Well, I just realised one fine day there wasn't enough of blogs out there introducing the foods we have in JB. Then this crazy idea of setting up a blog to document my food escapades just popped out of my head. Well, why not ? Since I get to dine...
(最新版本) 新加坡公共假期和學校假期:2019 下半年還有4个长周末 趕快安排今年的度假計劃咯!
發佈: 2019年5月20日
新加坡公共假期和學校假期 2019 下半年還有4个长周末!
匆匆忙忙就這樣 過了2019上半年
今年還沒安排到假期和家人一起出去玩嗎? 趕快計劃計劃吧!時間不留人哦~
新加坡2019下半年 還有5個假期!
6月5日 星期三 开斋节